The Princeton Undergraduate Math Club has recently compiled a comprehensive Guide for Math Students intended for undergraduates interested in mathematics.
The first joint junior seminar and organizational meeting will be held on Thursday, September 20 at 4:30pm. All juniors are encouraged to attend!Junior seminars for the Fall 2012:
Michael Damron: "Random Walks"
Congratulations to Juanhe Tan '13, who was recognized by President Tilghman at the Opening Exercises on Sunday, September 9, 2012 with the Class of 1939 Princeton Scholar Award.The Class of 1939 Princeton Scholar Award is given to the undergraduate who, at the en
The Princeton Mathematics Department mourns the loss of former colleague, Bill Thurston (a faculty member here from 1974-1991) who died Tuesday, August 21, 2012. Bill's contributions to mathematics are immeasurable.
On behalf of the Mathematics Department welcome to the inaugural issue of Fine Newsletter.We constantly feel the need to reach out to each other and share information on "what is happening at Fine Hall".
Professors Manjul Bhargava and Amit Singer have been appointed as Simons Investigators by the Simons foundation in the inaugural year of the program.The Simons Investigator Award is a 5-year program where the Simons Investigator will receive research support each year
Academia Sinica (Taiwan, Republica of China) held its biennial Convocation of Academicians from July 2 to July 5 culminating in the announcement of the 2012 list of Academicians on July 5, 2012.
Professor Zeev Dvir (jointly appointed Assistant Professor in the Mathematics and Computer Science Department) is the recipient of the Dénes König Prize for the 2012 year. The prize was awarded at the SIAM Conference on Discrete Mathematics, which was held at Dalhousi
A workshop on Extensive Form Games will be held at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Vienna, June 11-12 2012. The workshop represents a continuation of the series of small conferences that the Institute has hosted in previous years.
A conference entitled "Recent Progress in Langrangian and Hamiltonian Dynamics" in honor of John Norman Mather's 70th birthday is currently being held at Ens de Lyon (June 4th-June 9th, 2012).
Our Systems Staff, Josko Plazonic and Mike Barone, and Jennifer Johnson (our Associate Departmental Representative) have been working tirelessly with a variety of people within our department and OIT Web Development Services to update the information and streamline ou
Here is the final exam schedule for the Spring 2012 term.MAT 102 - Sun, May 20 1:00 p.m., Fine Hall 314
MAT 104 - Wed, May 16 1:30 p.m., McDonnell Hall A02
MAT 200 - Sat, May 19 9:00 a.m., McDonnell Hall A01
Panorama of Topology - A Conference in Honor of Prof. William Browder is going to be held at Princeton May 8-11th, 2012. Click on the previous link for more information.
Mathematics Department is holding this years Sophmore Open House on Tuesday April 10th, 2012 in Fine Hall Common Room from 3:30pm to 4:30pm.* Meet faculty members and instructors* Learn more about the Mathematics Department* Talk with math majors – discover what the u
The Mathematics Department expects to support up to 10 undergraduate mathematics majors for a research program each summer. This program will require the students to be on campus for a total of 8 weeks during the summer period, where that total period of time could b
Mathematics Department member Claudiu Raicu has been awarded the 24th Princeton University Engineering Council “Excellence in Teaching” Award on February 22, 2012.
John Pardon '11 has received the 2012 AMS-MAA-SIAM Frank and Brennie Morgan Prize for Outstanding Research in Mathematics by an Undergraduate Student. The Morgan Prize is presented annually by the American Mathematical Society, the Mathematical Association of Am
Professor Amit Singer has received the 2010 Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE), the highest honor bestowed by the U.S. government on science and engineering professionals in the early stages of their research careers.
Adam Classen Hesterberg (Class of 2011 and Mathematics Major) has been awarded a Fulbright U.S. Student Program scholarship to Hungary in Mathematics, the United States Department of State and the J.
A major international conference in honor of the lifetime accomplishment of Prof. Elias Stein on the occasion of his 80th birthday was held May 16-20, 2011. Please check the conference website archive for program, photographs, talks and other information.
A graduate student and post-doc workshop on Low Dimensional Topology and Geometry was held at the Princeton University on March 14-16, 2011. More information on the workshop's website.
Summer Workshop in Mathematics - Women in Math - for rising high school seniors interested in Mathematics was held at the Mathematics Department from June 16-25th 2010. For further details please check the website archive.
On Monday, May 17th 2010, Professor Zoltan Szabo has been elected as an honorary member of Hungarian Academy of Science.József Pálinkás, President of the Hungarian Academy of Science, opened the 180th General Assembly of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, attended als
Summer Workshop in Mathematics - Women in Math - for rising high school seniors interested in Mathematics was held at the Mathematics Department from June 11-19th 2009. For further details please check the website archive.
A major internation conference, The Power of Analysis, was held at Princeton University on May 4-8, 2009, in honor of the extraordinary research accomplishments of Charles Fefferman, on the occasion of his 60th birthday.
Geometry and the Imagination - a conference in honor of BIll Thurston's 60th birthday was held at Princeton June 7-11, 2007. Please check the conference website for further information.
Special Topology and Geometry meeting in honor of Wu-chung Hsiang was held at Princeton on December 10th, 2005. Please check the meeting website for further details.
Arithmetic Geometry and Number Theory - Conference to Honor Nicholas M. Katz on his 60th birthday was held at Princeton on December 11-14, 2004. Please check the conference website for further details.