Multiplicity One Conjecture in Min-max theory

Xin Zhou, University of California Santa Barbara and IAS

I will present a recent proof of the Multiplicity One Conjecture in Min-max theory. This conjecture was raised by Marques and Neves. It says that in a closed manifold of dimension between 3 and 7 with a bumpy metric, the min-max minimal hypersurfaces associated with the volume spectrum introduced by Gromov, Guth, Marques-Neves are all two-sided and have multiplicity one. As direct corollaries, it implies the generalized Yau's conjecture for such manifolds with positive Ricci curvature, which says that there exist infinitely many pairwise non-isometric minimal hypersurfaces, and the Weighted Morse Index Bound Conjecture by Marques and Neves.