Heegaard Floer homology, immersed curves, and chirally cosmetic surgeries

Konstantinos Varvarezos, Princeton University
Fine Hall 314

In-Person and Online Talk

Zoom link: https://princeton.zoom.us/j/453512481?pwd=OHZ5TUJvK2trVVlUVmJLZkhIRHFDUT09

A pair of surgeries on a knot is chirally cosmetic if they result in homeomorphic manifolds with opposite orientations.  We will discuss new obstructions to the existence of such surgeries coming from Heegaard Floer homology, making use of the immersed curve formulation of Hanselman, Rasmussen, and Watson.  We also outline how these obstructions may be applied, in combination with other obstructions, to rule out cosmetic surgeries for certain families of knots.