Understanding 3D Shapes Jointly

Leonidas Guibas, Stanford University
Fine Hall 214

The use of 3D models in our economy and life is becoming more prevalent, in applications ranging from design and custom manufacturing, to prosthetics and rehabilitation, to games and entertainment. Although the large-scale creation of 3D content remains a challenging problem, there has been much recent progress in design software tools, like Google SketchUp for buildings or Spore for creatures, or in low cost 3D acquisition hardware, like the Microsoft Kinect scanner. As a result, large commercial 3D shape libraries, such as the Google 3D Warehouse, already contain millions of models. These libraries, however, can be unwieldy, when the need arises to efficiently incorporate models into various workflows. Mathematical formulations, efficient algorithms, and software tools are required to support navigation and search over 3D model repositories. In this talk we examine the problem of facilitating these navigation and search tasks by automatically extracting relationships between shapes in a collection and understanding their common or shared structure. By effectively organizing the collection into (possibly overlapping) groups of related shapes, by separating what is common from what is variable within each group and across groups, and by understanding the main axes of variability, we can facilitate a whole slew of operations that make large 3D repositories much more navigable, searchable, compressible, and visualizable. We will present a quick summary of tools for efficiently computing informative shape descriptors as well as structure preserving maps between shapes at different levels of resolution. The main part of the talk, however, is aimed beyond pairwise relationships, to the study and analysis of many shapes jointly, looking at networks of maps between shapes in order to extract joint structure, derive consistent segmentations, infer phenotypic relationships, etc. This is preliminary work on what we believe to be a large open area for research—the joint understanding of collections of related geometric data sets.