Testable New Theory about Early-Universe Density Fluctuations and Origins of Solar Systems: Applied-Probability and Quantum-Physics Aspects

Erik Vanmarcke, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Princeton University
Fine Hall 214

The talk will summarize, with a focus on applied-probability aspects, the main findings, testable predictions and research opportunities stemming from a new probabilistic model of how complex patterns of energy-density fluctuations may have arisen during the inflation phase of the Big Bang. Based on first (quantum-physical) principles and requiring a minimum number of (observationally-accessible) parameters, the "embryonic inflation model" yields a coherent set of testable (hence falsifiable) hypotheses about the formation, evolution, composition, internal structure and cosmic environment of galaxies, stars and planets, and is consistent with key findings from observations of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB). Implying a robust alternative (and challenge) to the dual paradigm of spatially-uniform light-element primordial nucleosynthesis and stellar "recycling" of matter as the sole mechanism of heavy-element production, the theory holds the promise of integrating astrophysical and planetary sciences with cosmology and galaxy formation in a coherent evolutionary framework. Observations indicating overall cosmic flatness, the existence of an accelerating component, dark matter and dark energy all fit, in quantifiable and testable ways, into the framework of the theory.