On the asymptotic behavior of solutions to the linearised Einstein equations in gravitational collapse

Leonhard Kehrberger, University of Cambridge

Online Talk 

Zoom Link: https://princeton.zoom.us/j/92147928280?pwd=aGJ4VStpUTI2RWh1Y2FqTjlGQnZGQT09

When studying the late-time asymptotics of solutions to the (linearised) Einstein equations in gravitational collapse, a key conceptual difficulty is that we have no direct physical understanding on what to assume on initial data. In this talk (based on joint work with D. Gajic), I will first show how different assumptions on data translate into different late-time asymptotics for the corresponding solutions. Then, going back to an idea by Christodoulou from 20 years ago, I will present a scattering construction from the infinite past that produces a physical prediction on what to assume on initial data. Combined, these results finally give a physical prediction for the asymptotics of gravitational waves at late-times.