Princeton Low-Dimensional Topology Workshop 2015


The workshop will focus on recent developments in low-dimensional topology, with a particular emphasis on modern homological invariants such as Heegaard Floer homology. The workshop is open to anyone; if you wish to register and be included in the mailing list for workshop related updates, please see the conference website at:, June 15
[09:30-10:30] Cagatay Kutluhan, University at Buffalo
[10:30-11:00] Coffee
[11:00-12:00] John Baldwin, Boston College, Lagrangian concordance and contact invariants in sutured Floer theories
[14:15-15:15] Yi Ni, California Institute of Technology
[15:15-16:00] Tea
[16:00-17:00] Daniel Ruberman, Brandeis University

Tuesday, June 16
[09:30-10:30] John Etnyre, Georgia Institute of Technology
[10:30-11:00] Coffee
[11:00-12:00] Olga Plamenevskaya, Stonybrook University
[14:15-15:15] Lucas Culler, Princeton University
[15:15-16:00] Tea
[16:00-17:00] Dylan Thurston, Indiana University

Wednesday, June 17
[09:30-10:30] Elisenda Grigsby, Boston College
[10:30-11:00] Coffee
[11:00-12:00] Jen Hom, Columbia University, Knot Floer homology and concordance
[14:15-15:15] Matthew Hedden, Michigan State University
[15:15-16:00] Tea
[16:00-17:00] Aliakbar Daemi, Simons Center for Geometry and Physics

Thursday, June 18
[09:30-10:30] Kristen Hendricks, University of California at Los Angeles, Involutive Heegaard Floer homology
[10:30-11:00] Coffee
[11:00-12:00] Tye Lidman, University of Texas at Austin, Knot contact homology detects torus knots
[14:15-15:15] Bohua Zhan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Combinatorial constructions of Heegaard Floer homology using bordered invariants
[15:15-16:00] Tea
[16:00-17:00] Zoltán Szabó, Princeton University, Algebraic methods in knot Floer homology

Friday, June 19
[09:00-10:00] Robert Lipshitz, Columbia University, Remarks on equivariant Floer homology 
[10:00-10:15] Coffee
[10:15-11:15] Josh Greene, Boston College, Definite surfaces and alternating links