Many-body localization

David Huse, Princeton

*note location change*

Jadwin Hall 4th floor PGI Open Space

I will discuss some of the present conceptual and theoretical (but not mathematical) understanding of the many-body localized (MBL) phase and its instabilities.  In most cases, for the MBL phase to remain stable in the limit of an infinite system this limit needs to be taken differently from the standard thermodynamic limit (Gopalakrishnan and H., 2019). There are three general scenarios for the instability that causes the dynamic phase transition out of the MBL phase. For long enough range interactions, the “Fock-space delocalization” of Altshuler, et al., 1997 applies.  For shorter range interactions, the “avalanche” instability (De Roeck and Huveneers, 2017) happens first, with the transition being either when the avalanche starts, or when it fails to stop. Time permitting, I will also discuss the role of “many-body resonances”, particularly in one-dimensional MBL systems (Morningstar, et al., 2022; Ha, M., H., 2023).