
Sergio Fenley
Florida State University and Princeton University

Pseudo-Anosov flows in Seifert fibered and solvable 3-manifolds

We discuss the following rigidity results: 1) A pseudo-Anosov flow in a Seifert fibered manifold is up to finite covers topologically conjugate to a geodesic flow; 2) A pseudo-Anosov flow in a solv manifold is topologically conjugate to a suspension Anosov flow. The proofs use the structure of the fundamental groups in these manifolds and the topological theory of pseudo-Anosov flows. In particular the proofs use in essential ways the Z or Z+Z normal subgroups of the fundamental group. These normal subgroups interact with the orbit space of the flow or the leaf spaces of the stable/unstable foliations, producing invariant axes and chains of lozenges, which help force the rigidity. This is joint work with Thierry Barbot.