FALL 2009
THURSDAY 4:30-5:30 pm

Fine Hall 314

Please note special time and location:
Oct. 1
2:00 p.m.
Fine 322
David Bachman,
Pitzer College
Topologically minimal surfaces in 3-manifolds
Oct. 1
David Bachman,
Pitzer College
Persistence of Essential Surfaces after Dehn filling
Oct. 8
Andras Stipsicz,
Renyi Institute, Hungary

Rational homology disks and symplectic topology
Oct. 15 Jeremy Kahn,
SUNY Stony Brook

Immersed surfaces in closed hyperbolic 3-manifolds
Please note special date, time, and location
Oct. 16, 1:30 p.m., Fine 401
Jeremy Kahn,
SUNY Stony Brook
More on immersed surfaces in closed hyperbolic 3-manifolds
Oct. 22 David Futer,
Temple University
Cusp volume of fibered 3-manifolds
Oct. 29 Jonathan Bloom,
Columbia University
Link surgery, monopole Floer homology, and odd Khovanov homology
Nov. 12 Peter Scott,
University of Michigan
A combinatorial approach to harmonic maps
Nov. 19 John Baldwin,
Princeton University
Comultiplication in link Floer homology and transversely non-simple links.
Dec. 3 Cameron Gordon,
University of Texas at Austin
Knots with small rational genus
Dec. 10 John Klein,
Wayne State University
Bundle structures and Algebraic K-theory
Dec. 17 Peter Ozsvath,
Columbia University
Bordered Floer homology and factoring mapping classes